Archive for January, 2021

Great Ideas About Web Design That Anyone Can Use

Starting to design a website that is going to be a success, can feel intimidating at first. Regardless of your experience level, a new web design project always inspires a little intimidation. When figuring out your design, there are many things you much decide on. What makes it even harder is that the latest designs are always changing. Use the following advice to get the best website design possible.

Consider your website’s background carefully. Remove obstacles to easy text reading by avoiding things like GIF backgrounds that move. Pick a background that meshes with your site, not against it, and your viewers will have a much easier time understanding what you want to say.

You want to ensure that your site is easily able to be scanned. Studies have shown that internet users scan pages to find interesting articles. Break text into small, easy to scan sections to help readers …

Who Should Get Tested for COVID-19?

In this unprecedented time of crisis, the COVID-19 cases are increasing exponentially. The chances that you will get exposed to SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes infection) continue to increase. If you’ve been exposed to someone with COVID-19 or begin to experience symptoms of the COVID-19, you should self-quarantine or self-isolate yourself for 14 days to avoid the spread of the disease and go get covid testing. Self analyze day to day signs and symptoms of coronavirus. The virus’s incubation period is around 5 to 7 days, but it can be up to 14 days. If you don’t develop symptoms by the end of 14 days, good news you don’t need to test. Patients can stop self-isolating once their doctor advises them it is safe to do so. Generally, factors to consider are:

  • You have had 24 hours without fever (off of anti-fever medication)
  • It has been at least 10